Your home is probably the most expensive purchase you will make in your lifetime. To protect this important asset, you want to ensure you have the best homeowners insurance policy in place – with the highest level of protection – at a reasonable price. Your mortgage holder will, in most cases, require you to have this insurance, but you have options. At The Jim Eagan Insurance Agency in Brookfield, Connecticut, we work with our local clients to identify the homeowners insurance policy that will best protect you in a wide range of unexpected events. Whether it is a traditional, single family home or a multi-family home, everyone’s house is unique. You need to tailor your coverages specifically to your home. We can help you with that.
When life throws you a curveball and your home is damaged, your homeowners policy will suddenly become extremely important. Most people have not taken the time to read the small print on a policy, and even if they try, the legalese can be difficult to understand. At The Jim Eagan Insurance Agency, we do the heavy lifting for you. We explain what the policy means in plain language, and how one policy may be better than another.
For example, will your personal possessions be replaced? Are you protected against vandalism or theft? Will you have access to funds for accommodations if your home has become unlivable? What if someone was to get hurt on your property? How much will you be paying out-of-pocket for your deductible? Let one of our local agents work closely with you to find the best homeowners insurance plan to suit your individual needs.
You may have other structures such as a boat dock or tool shed that needs to be protected. There are many different types of coverages on a homeowners policy, and it’s crucial that you understand all aspects of your policy.
Typical Coverage in a Home Policy
- Dwelling – covering the main structure of your home. Determining the replacement cost of your home can be tricky. Costs of labor and material can fluctuate over time. It is important that this portion of your policy is adequate to rebuild your home in case of a disaster.
- Detached or Other Structures – this would cover any structure on your property that is not attached to the main home. Things like detached garages, sheds, above ground pools and fencing, are examples of other structures. Again, you need to make sure this coverage meets your needs as well.
- Personal Property or Contents coverage – this covers all of your belongings. Things like clothes, furniture, electronics, dishware, etc. Anything not permanently attached to the home.
- Personal Liability – if you are found negligent in your actions and a third party is injured on your property, the personal liability section of your policy would kick in. For example, if you fail to remove snow or ice from your front walkway and someone slips and falls and injures themselves, you could be held liable for their injuries. Having adequate liability protection is very important0.7
- Medical Payments – this is coverage for injuries sustained where liability or negligence does not need to be proven. This would cover accidental injuries on the insured location.
- Loss of Use – this line item pays for you to live somewhere else if you suffer a covered loss and the house is uninhabitable. For example, it would cover you to live in a rental home or extended stay hotel or apartment while your home is being repaired.
Protect your greatest investment with a homeowners policy that makes sense. Call today and speak with one of our friendly staff to schedule an appointment at a time that is convenient for you. We are always happy to review your current homeowners insurance policy and help you discover whether there is better coverage available at a lower cost. It is nice to know you have a local agent to call whenever you need help. We live and work right here in Brookfield, and are always only a phone call away when you need us.
Call us today for a second opinion on your current home policy coverage or get a quote for a new home you are purchasing.